The 1:43 Modifier Integras came in LS, GS-R and Type R form in various colors
and wheel designs.
1993 Integra GS-R (comes in old and new style narrow blisters as well as twin
pack kit with 1:64 car)
Green w/ivory interior
Blue Integra with white graphics - Series 7 (22514C)
Teal Integra with white graphics - Series 7 (22514F)
These are the
Integra from the Modifiers kit - containing both the 1:43
and 1:64 cars in a dark red metalliccolor. Please see the review on
the Del Sol's for more information about the kit.
2000 Integra R
Green from Series 2
Blue Integra GS-R Hatchback - Series 2
Yellow Integra R from Series 1
White Integra R from Series 1
Series 6 Integra GSR in Red (22502E)
Modified version
Series 8 (22514G)
Series 8 (22514E)
2000 Integra Type R
Blue Integra GS-R with graphics - Deluxe Series 2
Red Integra GS-R from Deluxe Series 2 in red with black/white
graphics and gold wheels
From 1:43 and 1:64 kit pair
Modified version
From diorama kit