Tag Archives: kit

1:43 1999 Honda Civic Coupe by Modifiers

The 1999 Civic Coupe by Modifiers

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1:40 1997 Honda Civic Coupe by Maisto

1997 Honda Civic Coupe by Maisto

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1:24 1992 Honda Civic (EG6) Hatchback (plastic kit) by Hasegawa

1992 racing Civic EG6 by Hasegawa in plastic kit

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1:20 Honda City Cabriolet by Imai (Plastic Kit)

A 1/20 kit by Imai of the Honda City Cabriolet. This model is no longer in the collection.

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1:64 2002 Honda Accord Coupe by Modifiers

Probably the only model of the 2002 Accord Coupe is by Modifiers. Here in 1:64 form.

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1:43 1999 Honda Accord Coupe by Modifiers

1999 Honda Accord Coupe in a very modifiable kit from Modifiers in quite a number of variations

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1:20 Studio27 DX2028 Williams FW09 GP of USA DALLAS 1984 resin kit